
Digital portrait for reddit

I was looking for some reference on Reddit and found this nice lady. So I gave it a try, experimenting during digital painting hangout, playing with colors and style...

Created with my old Huion tablet and CS4.


Digital sketch "Weird"

This was my pencil sketch in paper sketchbook first. I was not very satisfied with the result and I decided to try it digitally. But the result is ...weird..as discussed with my fellow artists on the hangout.
Kind of different in comparison to my other works. Maye it´s because the reference.
Weird colors, pose, face features, light... it´s weird.. .:)



Digital painting with cinematic lighting practice

Here comes picture created during digital painting hangout this week, it more like photo bashing thing...eh, not sure. Anyway, it started with my picture of Prague.
Inspired and based on this video from FZD


Digital sketch "Military girl"

Quick digital sketch created during hangout...

Huion tablet in action again...