
Digital portrait of "Dracula´s soldier" + hangout

Next fun art portrait, for Dracula Untold movie again - I still have several interesting screencaps left so maybe more will come... :)
It took me two sessions 1,5 hour each, the first one could be seen in my hangout video bellow, the second session was mainly about detailing and tuning details...
It´s much easier to paint if you don´t need to bother with colors...

"Dracula´s soldier"

WIP after first session "Dracula´s soldier"

And hangout video:


Digital sketch "Hidden Totoro" + hangout video

Here is a result of yesterdays Digital painting hangout [CZ], it was focused on cityscape and perspective. I was trying to gave more life to that pure study so you can see Totoro (favourite character of my colleague) placed into the foreground. Just for fun...

"Hidden Totoro"


Digital sketch "Beach girl" + hangout video

I'm so busy, no time to draw or paint... so here comes some update related to yesterdays Digital painting hangout (Czech language). It's mostly a simple color sketch... better than nothing, right? :)
You can see also the video with progress,  below
The other guy was painting a digital portrait...

There is almost no progress regarding the Global Hangout community [ENG]  I've mentioned in my previous post. So, come and join... 

"Beach girl"


Come and join my Digital painting hangouts community

I was experimenting with "Google+ hangouts On air" feature for few last weeks and I would say, that it has a great potential for digital artists. I've became a founder of an experimental hangout community for Czech digital painters and it's still running and growing. You can check the content and see how it looks like…

Now, I would like to expand and extend this activity with worldwide digital painters. That means to share it with related global communities and actively start using English language. So, I´ve created new google+ community - Digital painting hangouts [ENG]

Most of all it's about fun and new experiences. Meet with other artists and find out what will happen... :)

How it works
- Google+ hangout on air is a free tool/service. 
- 10 active participants + endless number of possible viewers
- session is streamed online in real time
- record of a session is saved to youtube archive

Don't be shy and join! :)

Community logo :)